About The People of Jomoro
With an annual growth rate of 3.2%, the district has a population of 129,163, among which native Nzema are predominant.
The population density of Jomoro is 96 persons per square kilometer and about 13.8% of the population is Fante, 8.8% Ewe and 3.2% of Twi-speaking extraction making the district an exclusively homogeneous one in terms of ethnicity.
The Jomoro District has some 931 settlement with Half Assini as the political and administrative capital, although most of the settlement are typical rural, the district boasts of a number of living towns and bustling commercial Centers like Elubo, Tikobo number one, Jaway Wharf, Takinta, Bonyere, Ahobre number two and Beyin which is the seat of the Western Nzema Traditional Council.
Like most rural communities in Ghana, the people of Jomoro are largely traditionalists, with a high commitment of traditional beliefs and practices; interestingly, Western Christian religions are also widely embraced by the people, although most people succeeded in adapting their Christian faith to the practice of local traditions