Following the Local Government Act 2016 (Act 936), the Jomoro Municipal Assembly has confirmed the newly-elected Assembly Members for the Ninth Session of the Assembly.
The ceremony took place at the concourse of the Assembly on Monday, 12th February 2024.
In attendance were Hon. George Mireku Duker, Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources and MP for Tarkwa Nsuaem Constituency, Awulae Annor Adjei III, Paramount Chief of Western Nzema Traditional Area and Board Chairman of the Petroleum Hub Development Corporation, Hon. Dorcas Affo Toffey, Member of Parliament for Jomoro Constituency, Hon. Louisa Iris Arde, Municipal Chief Executive for Jomoro Municipal, Mrs. Joyce Akosuah Angmorteh Miezah, Municipal Coordinating Director, Mr. Frederick Agyemang, Chief Director of the Western Regional Coordinating Council, Hon. Ernest Koffie, the immediate past Municipal Chief Executive of Jomoro Municipal, Hon. Martin Y. Ackah, former District Chief Executive for Jomoro District, Nananom, Heads of security services, Constituency Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and National Democratic Congress(NDC) and immediate past Hon. Assembly Members.
Welcome address by the Municipal Chief Executive
The Municipal Chief Executive Hon. Louisa Iris Arde welcomed the gathering and mentioned that the inaugural meeting marked the beginning of a new era, a new chapter in the history of the Municipality. She added that in unity the Municipal would forge ahead on a path of progress, where transparency, accountability, and dedication to public service would be the hallmarks of positive endeavors.
She urged the newly elected Assembly Members to remember that their duties extend far beyond the confines of the Assembly because they have been entrusted with the sacred responsibility of building not just infrastructure, but also fostering an environment of inclusivity, empowerment, and the deepening of grassroots democracy hence their decisions and actions would shape the well-being of the communities for generations to come.
She appealed to put divisive tendencies, acrimony, and partisanship behind and uphold the interest of Jomoro first before any other consideration.
She was optimistic that during the tenure, Hon. Assembly members would transcend political differences and embrace a spirit of collaboration, and work towards a common vision of a prosperous Jomoro, where every individual can flourish and thrive.
She urged them to constantly engage the people in their respective Electoral Areas to listen to their voices to enable them to understand their needs and aspirations. She said it is through such meaningful engagements that will unlock the potential of the Municipality and build a brighter future.
She extended her deepest appreciation to the gathering for their presence and acknowledged their unwavering dedication towards the progress of the communities and was confident that in unity Jomoro Municipal Assembly would be a benchmark for exemplary local governance in the country.
Address by the Member of Parliament
The Member of Parliament for Jomoro Constituency, Hon. Dorcas Affo Toffey in delivering an address at the ceremony extended warmest felicitations to the newly elected Assembly Members on their elections to the high office of Assembly Member. She stated the functions of the Assembly as provided for under sections 12, 1, and 13 of the Local Governance Act,2016(ACT 936) which include the formulation and the execution of plans, programs, and strategies for the effective mobilization of resources for the overall development of the Municipality.
She used the opportunity to outline some developmental projects and advocacies she had executed since she assumed office and emphasized her commitment to work closely with Assembly Members in the 9th session as an ex officio member.
Inaugural address by Minister for Lands & Natural Resources
Hon. George Mireku Duker, who represented the President of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellency Nana Addo Danquah Akufo Addo said he was pleased to join the nationwide inauguration of District Assemblies, following the successful conduct of the District Level Elections in December last year and congratulated all the Elected Assembly and Unit Committee Members for their success at the polls
He said the occasion marked an important milestone towards deepening decentralization as stipulated in Article 35 Clause 6(d) of the 1992 Constitution. This Article enjoins the state to promote decentralization and popular participation in governance by affording all possible opportunities to the citizenry to participate in decision-making at all levels of government
He said It is an honor and privilege to be elected or appointed to serve the residents of your localities. He entreated them to build good working relationships with colleague Assembly Members, the Hon. District Chief Executive, Member (s) of Parliament, Staff of the District Assembly, and the people they represent. He also admonished them to establish strong partnerships and collaborate with the local structures particularly, the town, zonal and area council, the unit committees, and traditional authorities as well as other identifiable groups to facilitate the work of the Municipal Assembly. He said it is through these partnerships and collaborations that the ideals of local governance are optimized for the benefit of the people.
Noting the critical part District Assemblies play in the governance structure and processes he entreated Hon. Assembly Members to work closely with the MCE to advance the implementation of the Government’s Coordinated Programme of Economic and Social Development Policies (2022-2025): Agenda for Jobs II: Creating Prosperity and Equal Opportunity for all. He appealed to them that in their deliberations, planning, and decision-making for development, they should ensure that they localize these national development priorities into their action plans and support the government to deliver on its programs and projects to the benefit of the people.
Nomination and Election of Presiding Member
The 9th Assembly followed up to execute the task in fulfillment of Article 244 Clause 1 of the 1992 constitution of the Republic of Ghana to set in motion the 9th Session of the Jomoro Municipal Assembly.
Two Hon. Assembly Members, Hon. Augustine Yankey and Emmanuel Nvojo were nominated to contest for the Presiding Member post. At the end of the voting, Hon. Emmauel Nvojo was elected as the presiding member for the Jomoro Municipal Assembly and was sworn in by the District Magistrate. He had Thirty-Eight (38) votes out of the 50 valid votes cast while Hon. Augustine Yankey had Twelve (12) votes.
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